Donor mascot


The FIRST Charity Token on $NEAR

What if you could make the world better with crypto?
That's our goal with $DONOR.

We're the first charity token in the NEAR Ecosystem
and we're here to make a difference to the world.


American Red Cross

How Do We Donate Your Crypto?


You donate to charities of your choice :)


The donation is split up into $DONOR, $NEAR, $USDT and $USDC


USDT is redeemed with P2P, or directly with Tether


USD is donated to the selected charities


Congratulations, you just made a difference!


American Red CrossCareGoFundMeUNICEF


Initial Stages

Preparation for launch

  • Add $DONOR to
  • Launch Donation Process of team allocation - 100% OF TEAM ALLOCATION IS DONATED

Successful Launch

  • Launch $DONOR platform for people to donate
  • Launch several marketing campaigns to raise awareness
  • Introduce acceptance for donations of $USDC, $USDT, $NEAR, $DONOR ($donor cannot be more than 30% of the initial transacton - early stages don't have enough liquidity)

Making a bigger difference

$300,000 Market Cap & 250+ HODLERS

  • Expand features to the $DONOR platform, like choose specific initiatives you'd like to support
  • Listing on exchanges
  • Launch on Solana (Airdrop $NEAR HODLers with $DONOR on $SOL blockchain)
  • Accept multiple tokens, like $NEAR, $REF
  • Token Whitelist on ( has updated requirements to minimum 100k mc & 50 holders )

Long Live $DONOR

$1,000,000 Market Cap & 500+ HODLERS

  • Transfer management to a DAO for governance
  • Create governance token and airdrop $DONOR hodlers
  • Run operations like staking $NEAR to generate income to donate and self sustain growing donations


Being able to trust that donations are passed on to charities is important.

That's why this section will be dedicated to providing documents confirming donations made.

Every month, this section will be updated with official receipts from charities confirming donations.

When the platform is launched, personal receipts of your donations will be visible in your dashboard.
You can choose to make them public if you wish :)

Example - December 2024 Donations.pdf



Traditional donations? Boring.
$DONOR supercharges your impact through DeFi. 🚀

Your donations work harder through:
💎 Staking rewards
🌊 Liquidity farming
📈 Yield optimization

That means:
Your $500 donation could generate $750+ for charities
while you HODL, support other crypto projects, and support a good cause!

That's the idea behind $DONOR.

Common Questions

What is $DONOR?

The first charity token on $NEAR, here to make a difference, some friends, and become a part of the NEAR ecosystem

What's the difference between the real team allocation and the allocation on

The allocation is 40% (~3 Billion $DONOR), the total supply is 8 Billion $DONOR
The tokenomics of this is:

  • 20% real team allocation (Completely donated to charity) (~1.5 Billion $DONOR)
  • 8.5% farming rewards
  • 8.5% developer team donations (Distributed to developers as a thank you for helping start this project)
  • 3% marketing wallet for campaigns, promotions, and airdrops

Main fees for the project are given to offrampers (People who pay the charity in USD from crypto) get a fixed 2.7% fee of entire transaction value per transaction as an incentive to help us offramp crypto to donate to charities

Other fees are 0.7% operation fees (small fee to keep the platform running, applied to a donation)

Rewards earned from staking, yield farming etc. do not have any fees applied. 100% of earned amount is kept

The rewards you earn will offset all fees, making your donation over 100% of the original amount in all circumstances

How do I buy $DONOR?

Buy $DONOR tokens from at launch, on January 8th, 2025

How does the donors foundation donate to charities?

We buy your $DONOR from you for USD, and USD is donated to charities. In the future, we look to offering donations to charities in $NEAR and $DONOR too

Why should I donate with $DONOR?

We believe donating with crypto is better.
When you donate your $DONOR, you're not just directly donating to a charity the exact amount.
Your tokens are divided into different fields, like:

  • Staking
  • Liquidity farms
  • Providing liquidity to pools

These methods generate extra money to donate.
With a customizable timeframe, you can donate more than you paid for, and you can choose what you support. Impact matters ❤️

The idea is simple, the extra donation money is obtained through different legitimate yield generating methods, and the extra money is donated to charities. People who make the donation possible get a small fee for their work (Never more than 3%), and the rest is donated to charity.